In the Hungarian news!

We are featured on the front page of one of the biggest Hungarian news outlets today! Saltlands is not the next favorite family edition of Monopoly but rather a hard survival game where you’re...

Saltlands – Board Game Video & Contest

Watch the Video Win a Poster Get to know the game better and win Saltlands posters! Contest rules – win a poster! Do you like the style and artwork you can see in Saltlands? Would you like to support us in printing our dream game – even before the...

Game Design Philosophy

A few design principles important to me: Fail faster Quickly prototype, try it as soon as possible. Iterate as fast as you can. As the game gets better changes get smaller, but be prepared to throw away big parts of the design if necessary. Playtest as much as...

About Hiring (2D, 3D, video…) Artists

…A post by Gergely Kruppa… We just finished the recruitment of our future 3D artists and I was a lot more involved in this process than previously in the 2D illustrator hiring. Last time was a cakewalk for me. We had tons of artists interested in our...

Week 2 – final reviewer print!

We changed some stuff in the game during the holidays. But it makes sense: we test so that we see what actually works out and what doesn’t.Nhe next step: we are going to make a video of the game! Stay tuned! A few words from Greg Kruppa, the designer After...